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Etac-R82 Products

Etac/R82 Crocodile Pediatric Special Needs Walking Aid
Gait Trainers
Etac/R82 Flamingo High-Low Pediatric Toileting and Bathing Chair
Complex Bathroom Equipment
Etac/R82 Manatee Pediatric Adjustable Bathing Chair
Complex Bathroom Equipment
Etac/R82 Meerkat Pediatric Standing Frame
Standing Frames
Etac/R82 Mustang Pediatric Folding Gait Trainer
Gait Trainers
Etac/R82 Rabbit Up Pediatric Standing Frame
Standing FramesSchedule Your Custom Seating Evaluation
You don’t have to live with the pain and discomfort of an ill-fitting wheelchair or other assistive technology. Let’s work together to create the custom equipment that gives you comfort and keeps you moving.
Schedule an Evaluation